Files and folder setup for a TFTP PXELINUX server
API and CLI to manage PXE configurations
Set-up pxelinux in a directory, ready to be exported via tftp - DEPRECATED/UNMAINTAINED
PXE Setup Wizard. Netboot Debian, Ubuntu, System Rescue CD, FreeDOS and more.
[1]:配置PXE环境(EFI/UEFI) [2]:更换PXE批量安装的服务器 [3]:批量修改文件内容 [4]:批量双网卡绑定Bond模式配置 [5]:批量双网卡绑定Team模式配置 [6]:收集LLD配置信息,检查网络连通性 [7]:批量拷贝文件 [8]:批量执行命令 [9]:批量拷贝文件到本地 [a]:解决SSH慢的问题 [b]:时区和时间配置 [c]:本地Yum仓库源配置 [d]:批量配置...
setup a Raspberry Pi as an PXE-Server
C# PXE Server (DHCP + TFTP + HTTP) with multiple BIOS\EFI loaders
Easily install an OS to any new node in the network.