Drush is a command-line shell and scripting interface for Drupal, a veritable Swiss Army knife designed to make life easier for those who spend their working hours hacking away at the command prompt.
翻译 - Drush是Drupal的命令行shell和脚本界面,Drupal是名副其实的瑞士军刀,旨在使那些花费大量时间在命令行提示符下进行破解的人们变得更加轻松。
WordPress PHP Console powered by PsySH
PsySH on Emacs, PHP interactive shell (REPL)
A command line REPL bundle for Symfony using PsySH
🐚 A REPL for PHP built into Composer (using PsySH)
翻译 - 内置于Composer中的PHP REPL(使用PsySH)
Integration of psysh into Drush so that you can have a Drupal REPL
An alternative shell for Laravel using PsySH