A guided introduction to computing tools useful for research in psychology - targeted to complete beginners
An open statistics textbook for Psychology undergraduates
An awesome list of psychology courses, videos and books. Please, contribute!
A curated list of awesome social engineering resources.
Python program for generative NFT art.
Course materials for PSYC 11: Laboratory in Psychological Science, Dartmouth College (Instructor: Jeremy Manning)
A framework for a rapid reproducible design, analysis and plotting of experiments in behavioral neuroscience and psychology.
LabGraph is a Python framework for rapidly prototyping experimental systems for real-time streaming applications. It is particularly well-suited to real-time neuroscience, physiology and psychology ex...
翻译 - LabGraph 是一个 Python 框架,用于为实时流应用程序快速原型化实验系统。它特别适合实时神经科学、生理学和心理学实验。
machine learing and deep learning tutorials for education and psychology. 给心理学和教育学看的机器学习和深度学习教程
实现Blip2RWKV+QFormer的多模态图文对话大模型,使用Two-Step Cognitive Psychology Prompt方法,仅3B参数的模型便能够出现类人因果思维链。对标MiniGPT-4,ImageBind等图文对话大语言模型,力求以更小的算力和资源实现更好的智能效果。