Graphical frontend to PS1-to-EXE-compiler PS2EXE.ps1
500+ free PowerShell scripts (.ps1) for Linux, Mac OS, and Windows.
PSX/PS1 Covers Collection
A Pure Bash Powerline PS1 Command Prompt
PS1 savegame exploit
翻译 - ps1 savegame使用thps3漏洞利用
Shader that "emulates" the rendering style of ps1
Script used to generate and encode a PowerShell based Metasploit payloads.
This script will enable you to reset the krbtgt account password and related keys while minimizing the likelihood of Kerberos authentication issues being caused by the operation.
getsystem via parent process using ps1 & embeded c#
Late ninties, PS1 inspired fantasy console
翻译 - 九十年代后期,PS1 启发了幻想控制台
The most powerful open source SDK for the PS1 (as far as open source PS1 SDKs go). Not recommended for beginner use.
Customize your Bash Prompt by setting the PS1 variable.
A Bluetooth receiver for PS1/2 based on BlueRetro
Obfuscated Penetration Testing PowerShell scripts
A homebrew video suite for playstation 1
Collection of PlayStation 1 tests for emulator development
Generic Bash PS1 (bashrc) Configuration based on BLFS /etc/bashrc
Converter for retro console save files to and from MiSTer, flash cartridges, Nintendo Switch Online, and save states from online emulation websites. Convert .srm to .sav and .sav to .srm. Convert file...