Fast and efficient recommendations and predictions using Redis
Price calculator/predictor for Turnip prices
翻译 - 萝卜价格的价格计算器/预测器
Listens for Stock news on Twitter, performs sentiment analysis by mining information from an online news source, performs supervised predictive modeling and suggests buy or sell decisions of the sto...
This project seeks to utilize Deep Learning models, Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) Neural Network algorithm, to predict stock prices.
CLIP+MLP Aesthetic Score Predictor
A Flask based web application to predict breast cancer.
Using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) to predict the results of Premier League Football Matches
Pure Java implementation of XGBoost predictor for online prediction tasks.
The data analysiser and predictor of
Protein Secondary Structure predictor using Convolutional Neural Networks
Plugins for the Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor (VEP)
View count predictor using titles, descriptions, and thumbnails.
🎲 Casino Roulette 🎰 Analyzer and Predictor 🪙
Open-source satellite tracker and pass predictor for Android, inspired by Gpredict
The Ensembl Variant Effect Predictor predicts the functional effects of genomic variants
[CVPR'17] Shape Completion using 3D-Encoder-Predictor CNNs and Shape Synthesis
Custom shape predictor model trained to find 81 facial feature landmarks given any image
Initial framework source code for CSE240A branch predictor project
Richter's Predictor: Modeling Earthquake Damage Challenge 0.7521 Scored Solution
A simple bigram next word predictor implemented in Python.
Stock market analyzer and predictor using Elasticsearch, Twitter, News headlines and Python natural language processing and sentiment analysis