eBPF Port Knocking Tool
A port knocking plugin for JuiceSSH
A simple, secure, and stealthy port knocking implementation that does not use libpcap or bind to a socket interface.
A guide on implementing a secure Wireguard server on OVH (or any other Debian VPS) with DNSCrypt, Port Knocking & an SSH-Honeypot
Ansible role to enable port knocking
A port knocking client for Android
Win32 port of OpenSSH
Apple cctools port for Linux and *BSD
Python port of ShadowsocksR
翻译 - ShadowsocksR的Python端口
JavaScript port of Vim
翻译 - Vim的JavaScript端口
A Rust port of shadowsocks
翻译 - A Rust port of shadowsocks
Go语言开发的端口转发工具 for port data forward (TavenLi)
A port of https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port for Android.
翻译 - 适用于Android的https://github.com/sm64-port/sm64-port端口。
go port of shadowsocks (Deprecated)
翻译 - 转到shadowsocks的端口(不建议使用)
Safari port of vimium
OpenAI Whisper语音识别模型,C++移植版本。
A set of C++ classes to easiliy handle serial ports across different platforms, built on top of boost.asio.
3DS fork of sm64-port
翻译 - sm64端口的3DS分支