Plupload is JavaScript API for building file uploaders. It supports multiple file selection, file filtering, chunked upload, client side image downsizing and when necessary can fallback to alternative...
翻译 - Plupload是用于构建文件上传器的JavaScript API。它支持多种文件选择,文件过滤,分块上传,客户端图像缩小,并且在必要时可以回退到其他运行时,例如Flash和Silverlight。
Convenience Class to handle Plupload originated file uploads.
Laravel plupload support - Handle large file uploads
Integration of Plupload with the Rails asset pipeline
Ember component for handling uploads using plupload
Plupload Fiddles
An angular directive wrapper for the cross browser upload script plupload.
An angular directive wrapper for plupload.
🍃 Springmvc and servlet shard to upload demo
Ajax Upload Large File Support jQuery-File-Upload, FileApi, Plupload, Dropzone, Filepond for Laravel
This Symfony bundle provides a server implementation for handling single and multiple file uploads using either FineUploader, jQuery File Uploader, YUI3 Uploader, Uploadify, FancyUpload, MooUpload, Pl...
JavaScript 文件上传的研究,起源于一个实际应用。分析了文件上传的 http 协议,plupload 前端库的使用详解。难得的是,实现了断点续传。