Shared Pkl packages
Pkl bindings for the Go programming language
A simple Python Keylogger for macOS
"DreymaR's Big Bag of Keyboard Tricks" for Windows with EPKL
Pkl language support for Neovim
Pkl bindings for the Swift programming language
The website
.mat to .pkl
A Swift based, centralized location manager, simplifying the CLLocationManager API by adding closures and automatically adjusting accuracy, based on the subscribers common needs.
Examples for using Pkl within Go applications
本项目使用的是商汤科技的mmdetection,链接如下 一、安装 (1)环境配置 Linux (tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and CentOS 7.2) Python 3.4+ PyTorch 1.0 Cython mmcv >= 0.2.2 (2)安装步骤 #上传的模型为已经安装后的版本,应...