🔍 PHP CodeSniffer, PHP Coding Standard Fixer, Linter, and Mess Detector Support for Sublime Text
phpcs-security-audit is a set of PHP_CodeSniffer rules that finds vulnerabilities and weaknesses related to security in PHP code
[DEPRECATED] Object Calisthenics rules for PHP_CodeSniffer
PHPCS rules for the Kohana framework
PHP CodeSniffer for Visual Studio Code
SublimeLinter plugin for PHP, using phpcs.
Convert CSV to array/Iterator (Excel style is fully suppoted!)
Deprecated: Scan all sorts of themes and files and things! Use PHPCS and the VIP coding standards instead
Official 10up PHPCS rules.
Linter plugin for PHP, using PHP_CodeSniffer.
Create your own phpmd and phpcs.xml ruleset files and edit them in place. PHPMD is stable - PHPCS support is in alpha
How to install PHP CodeSniffer and the WordPress Coding Standard Rules in Visual Studio Code.