This component provides features unavailable in releases prior to PHP 7.0.
翻译 - 该组件提供了PHP 7.0之前的版本中不可用的功能。
A docker Drupal development image using PHP 7.0 and HTTP/2 on Ubuntu 14.04, inheriting configurations from
💖 (PHP7.0-7.2版本)由ThinkPHP5框架开发即开箱可用的告白墙、校园表白墙。表白可以通过发送邮箱告知对方,也可以分享表白内容。更多趣味查看 或网站。
Clone and `bin/dev up`. Quickly start of developing locally with Nginx, PHP, Blackfire, Percona, Mailhog and Redis. Out of the box support for Magento2 Developer Box
A base docker image using PHP 7.0 and HTTP/2 on Ubuntu 14.04 for Drupal 8 projects.
Playbook for PHP 7.0, nginx, MariaDB on CentOS 7
Docker image with Ubuntu, Nginx and PHP-FPM (PHP 7) stack