Примеры к книге "PHP 7. Котеров Д., Симдянов И."
Understanding PHP7 Internal articles
An overview of the features, changes, and backward compatibility breakages in PHP 7
Documentation for the php7dev Vagrant box image
翻译 - php7dev Vagrant框图像的文档
PHP 7 compatibility extension for Magento 1 (DEPRECATED!!)
upgrade xhprof extension to PHP7
mongoyii, but for PHP7!
Docker image for PHP7 + OCI8
Complete async capable Telegram bot API implementation for PHP7
Security-related PHP7 OPcache abuse tools and demo
😒 Deploy lnmp(Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP7) using docker.
Deploy lnmp(Linux, Nginx, MySQL, PHP7) using docker.
Docker image for LAP stack - Alpine + Apache2 + PHP7
This is a PHP7 Port of Discuz! X3.2.
mPDF 5.7 library for PHP7, with replaced constructors