Converts PE into a shellcode
Patch PE, ELF, Mach-O binaries with shellcode new version in development, available only to sponsors
翻译 - 使用shellcode修补PE,ELF,Mach-O二进制文件(不支持)
Convert shellcode generated using pe_2_shellcode to cdb format.
Convert PE files to a shellcode
Small tool to load shellcodes or PEs to analyze them
inject or convert shellcode to PE
A minimal tool to extract shellcode from 64-bit PE binaries.
Binary to shellcode from an object/executable format 32 & 64-bit PE , ELF
Extracts TEXT section of a PE, ELF, or Mach-O executable to shellcode
Open-Source Shellcode & PE Packer
翻译 - 在此处阅读博客文章:
.NET, PE, & Raw Shellcode Packer/Loader Written in Nim
Various ways to execute shellcode
PE Injection、DLL Injection、Process Injection、Thread Injection、Code Injection、Shellcode Injection、ELF Injection、Dylib Injection, including 400+Tools and 350+posts
C# Shellcode Runner to execute shellcode via CreateRemoteThread and SetThreadContext to evade Get-InjectedThread
翻译 - C#Shellcode Runner通过CreateRemoteThread和SetThreadContext执行Shellcode逃避Get-InjectedThread
Unicorn PE is an unicorn based instrumentation project designed to emulate code execution for windows PE files.
翻译 - Unicorn PE是一个基于独角兽的检测项目,旨在模拟Windows PE文件的代码执行。
Using Thread Description To Hide Shellcode
翻译 - 使用线程描述隐藏Shellcode
Shellcode Compiler
翻译 - Shellcode编译器
Modifying SweetPotato to support load shellcode and webshell
PE File Blessing - To continue or not to continue