PDF generator (from HTML) plugin for Ruby on Rails
翻译 - Ruby on Rails的PDF生成器(来自HTML)插件
Google SRE Book Generator (EPUB/MOBI/PDF).
A PDF document generator with high level support for text, drawing and images
翻译 - PDF文档生成器,对文本,图形和图像提供高级支持
Generate PDF's in CodeIgniter using this easy to use library based on domPDF
Create PDFs with wkhtmltopdf or puppeteer/chromium from Elixir.
Golang Pdf Report Generator
Fast, Nimble PDF Writer for Ruby
翻译 - 快速,灵活的Ruby PDF Writer
Cordova plugin to generate pdf in the client-side
This library is for convert XML to PDF very easily using Step Builders Pattern
pdf bookmark generator 目录 书签 大纲
PDF Generator library, easy way to create PDF from String Content or Any HTML Content.
Super fast golang invoice / quotation / delivery-note PDF generator
Fast and simple report generator, from JSON to pdf, xslx, docx, odt...
React Invoice Generator allows you quickly make invoices and export them as PDF
Web Based PDF Template Generator built for Flying Saucer
Easy PDF generator project, based on JasperReports and Spring Boot
Offline xdrip+ PDF report generator using the xdrip+ DB directly
[Unmaintained] A Markdown based resume generator. It looks great on mobile/desktop and can be saved as PDF.
翻译 - [未维护]基于Markdown的简历生成器。它在移动设备/台式机上看起来很棒,可以另存为PDF。
如果你想使用 GitBook 生成 PDF ,又不想折腾,使用这个项目就对啦!