Pretrained DeepLabv3 and DeepLabv3+ for Pascal VOC & Cityscapes
PyTorch re-implementation of DeepLab v2 on COCO-Stuff / PASCAL VOC datasets
Create PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset
A python library for generating annotations in the PASCAL VOC format.
This is a pytorch repository of YOLOv4, attentive YOLOv4 and mobilenet YOLOv4 with PASCAL VOC and COCO
翻译 - 这是YOLOv4,关注YOLOv4和带有PASCAL VOC和COCO的mobilenet YOLOv4的pytorch存储库
Repository for reading Pascal VOC data in Python, rather than requiring MATLAB to read the XML files.
Pascal VOC BBox Viewer
Python script for Pascal VOC to COCO conversion
WIDER FACE annotations converted to the Pascal VOC XML format
Convert Yolo Darket to Pascal VOC annotation format and vice versa.
converting bdd100k json to pascal voc style xml files
FCN for Semantic Image Segmentation achieving 68.5 mIoU on PASCAL VOC
A tool to use Pascal VOC 2012 dataset for Semantic Segmentation
Scripts to convert datasets (Caltech pedestrian, MS COCO, HDA) to PASCAL VOC format
odgt CrowdHuman dataset annotation to YOLO txt and Pascal VOC xml
a simple script that convert citypersons json annotations to Pascal VOC format
A tensorflow implementation of WNet for unsupervised image segmentation on PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset
Get your labels fro as json an convert them to Pascal VOC
This project provides the svhn dataset in PASCAL VOC Annotation Format and simple viewer tool to confirm annotation.
An (re-)implementation of DeepLab v2 (ResNet-101) in TensorFlow for semantic image segmentation on the PASCAL VOC 2012 dataset.
Image viewer for PASCAL Visual Object Classes Dataset (2007)
Convert annotation file in Pascal VOC format (.xml or .json) to COCO format. Partition the dataset and annotations into training and validation.
convert dataset to coco/voc format