#区块链#The fast, light, and robust client for Ethereum-like networks.
翻译 - 快速且功能丰富的多网络以太坊客户端。
The Parity Bitcoin client
Shell commands for development, staging, and production parity for Heroku apps
Collection of crates used in Parity projects
Air-gapped crypto wallet.
Parity Brain Wallets Word List Library
WebAssembly serialization/deserialization in rust
Collection of Useful Bridge Building Tools 🏗️
Hierarchical Risk Parity
Design of Risk Parity Portfolios
risk parity strategy
risk parity strategy
Hierarchical Risk Parity
Software for Low Density Parity Check codes
Fast and scalable construction of risk parity portfolios
Commodity risk parity strategy
Semi-automated investing strategy (risk parity)
Parity Shasper beacon chain implementation using the Substrate framework.
Financial portfolio optimisation in python, including classical efficient frontier, Black-Litterman, Hierarchical Risk Parity
翻译 - python中的金融投资组合优化,包括经典有效前沿,Black-Litterman,分层风险平价