OPML of the frontend development rss feeds
📋分享我订阅的一些 Blog 和 Newsletter,通过 Github Actions,每天自动同步我 Feedly 上的订阅源,✅ 代表能正常订阅,❌ 代表暂无法订阅(对于无法订阅的 feed,支持 Telegram Bot、Email、Server酱等推送工具提醒更新)
Parser for RSS, Atom, JSON Feed, RSS-inJSON, OPML, and HTML.
A list of OPML Security Feeds
OPML parser and generator for Swift projects
My very personal and opinionatedly organized infosec/cybersec sources in one OPML file
Convert an Invidious OPML export to NewPipe JSON
a copy of my RSS feeds in a handy .opml file
A simple tool to convert opml files exported by Mindnode to JSON consumable by D3 Javascript library
网页浏览器的 Bookmarklet,用于一键抽取某网页的元信息(如标题、URL、选中文本等)并生成 OPML 数据存入剪贴板
A Sublime Text plugin that uses Pandoc to convert text from one markup format into another. Pandoc can convert documents in markdown, reStructuredText, textile, HTML, DocBook, LaTeX, MediaWiki markup,...
An android slideshow/screensaver gallery for photos. A few photos are part of the apk, while the rest are downloaded from the back-end (currently supports opml xml file, but can easily be extended). S...
在 PC 浏览器中,自动抽取某网页的标题、URL、选中文本等信息并形成 OPML 代码,以便粘贴到 Workflowy 笔记工具中