An OpenSceneGraph/OSG viewer for VR devices compatible with OpenVR / SteamVR
OpenVR device driver with similar input configuration to Valve's EV2 Knuckle controller
🔴 Record and ▶️ playback OpenVR device tracking/input data
An OpenVR Driver for VR Gloves
翻译 - 适用于VR手套的OpenVR驱动程序
A package that connects to SteamVR through OpenVR and provides tracking information for VR devices in ROS.
OpenVR Inspector shows extensive information on all available OpenVR devices, on all installed OpenVR applications, and prints incoming OpenVR events.
A small tool for displaying the currently connected devices to your OpenVR system
翻译 - OpenVR SDK
OpenVR driver with OpenTrack support / OpenVR драйвер, с поддержкой OpenTrack
OpenVR Advanced Settings Dashboard Overlay
OpenVR Advanced Settings Dashboard Overlay
翻译 - OpenVR高级设置仪表板覆盖
SlimeVR driver for OpenVR
OpenVR bindings for rust.
Advanced desktop access for OpenVR
openvr module for garry's mod
Management Gui for OpenVR FSR PlugIn
Qt3d example with OpenVR and OculusVR
A sample OpenVR Driver for you to learn from
Put your favorite Desktop Window directly into any OpenVR game!
An OpenVR driver that allows to create virtual controllers, emulate controller input, manipulate poses of existing controllers and remap buttons. A client-side library that communicates with the drive...
A simple OpenVR overlay for Wayland and X11 desktops
Use tracked VR devices from one company with any other.
Virtual Motion Tracker - バーチャルモーショントラッカー OpenVR OSC Tracker Driver for DIY users
openvr driver for vrchat desktop users
An OpenVR driver that applies virtual movement using a pedometer