Blender exporter for the OGRE 3D engine
Embedding Python into an ogre3d demo
procedural geometry for Ogre3D
Particle Universe plugin for Ogre3D with community fixes
Ogre3D bindings for NoesisGUI
Mogre for Ogre3D 2.0
Ogitor SceneBuilder, the WYSIWYG scene editing environment for OGRE
The main client for the Worldforge MMORPG system.
Integrates Ogre3D into Qt QML scenes by rendering Ogre to FBOs.
Community maintained Hydrax. (An Ogre3D plugin for water rendering.)
It is a graphical editor for Ogre3D mesh, materials and animations
Open Source role-playing game engine for Taleworlds' Mount&Blade Series written in C# using Ogre3d Engine