ODPI-C: Oracle Database Programming Interface for Drivers and Applications
Go database/sql driver for connecting to Oracle Database, using the ODPI-C library
Python interface to Oracle Database now superseded by python-oracledb
翻译 - 符合Python DB API 2.0规范的Oracle数据库的Python接口。
Commit your ODPi spec test runs to this repo to let others know if your platform or application is ODPi compliant
Non-blocking, event-driven Swift client for Oracle DBs. Does not require OCI or ODPI.
OpenDS4All project, hosted by LF AI & Data
翻译 - OpenDS4All项目,由ODPi托管
Pluggable repository for Egeria, using XTDB (formerly "Crux") as the back-end to natively support historical metadata.
Egeria repository connector for Hive metastore. Initially targeted at spark metadata