Odoo Forms app & modules
Odoo Apps Public
OCA Mobile - Odoo React Native - a Modern Odoo APP made with React Native by Odoo Community
Odoo ClearCorp Apps
Odoo mobile app backend addons.
odoo modules and widget since 30/04/2017 will be here. Odoo apps there --->
Odoo Addon for 17,16,15,14,13,12,11,10, CE and EE and SH。Odoo的全版本开源免费增强集合
Odoo install script
Odoo 的微信模块 Wechat module for Odoo
Odoo Addons
Tools for Odoo Administrators to improve some technical features on Odoo.
翻译 - Odoo管理员所需的工具,可改善Odoo上的某些技术功能。
unsupported addons (runbot, document_fs)
Odoo CRM
Odoo POS Addons
Odoo Mobile Framework
Odoo SaaS Tools — tools for SaaS Businesses. Sale and manage Odoo databases.
Odoo Spain Localization
Odoo and GIS
Odoo Product Attribute
翻译 - Odoo 产品属性
Odoo Electronic Payment
Odoo Manufacturing Addons
Odoo Website Addons
Odoo Italian localization