A signals/slots plus FRP-like library for Java and Objective-C
TextMate is a graphical text editor for macOS 10.12 or later
翻译 - TextMate是适用于macOS 10.10或更高版本的图形文本编辑器
An easy-to-use lightweight SQLite 3 library written in Objective-C for Mac OS and iOS 4+ that will build SQL statements and manage database connections, plus an active record based ORM.
Swift implementation of Open Location Code (Plus Codes). Supports Swift and Objective-C for iOS, macOS, tvOS and watchOS, and Swift for Linux.
Login Manager for Google (Google Plus Deprecated). Written in Swift 3.0 and Objective C.
Objective C Block Enumeration Example for Mobile Tuts Plus
Portfolio optimization problem models have typically adopted solvers such as SciPy in the Python arena, that employs traditional methods to obtain the optimal portfolios. However, despite their sophis...
An improvement to iOS's text editing that allows you to move the cursor and select text using gestures on the keyboard itself.
Tool for reverse engineering macOS/OS X
#面试#该仓库包含了 C++ 实现的各种算法,用于学习目的。
C++ Primer Plus 6th Answers
I imitated PC client of KuGou music for windows with c plus plus
C++ Primer Plus Exercises
#编辑器#Notepad++ 是Windows下的文本编辑器,是记事本的替代品
C Primer Plus, Fifth Edition
C++ Primer Plus Source Code
C Primer Plus 6th edition exercises answers.
A client for QQ and more. :electron:
keras implementation of unet plus plus
翻译 - keras实现的一个或多个
一个沙盒程序,Sandboxie可以在32位及64位的、基于Windows NT的系统上执行。它创造了一个类似沙盒的独立作业环境,在其内部运行的程序并不能对硬盘产生永久性的影响。
C++ Primer Plus (6th Edition) Answers
结构体数据序列化存储为json配置文件或者图像数据序列化为二进制存储Protocol Buffers;Modern CPlusPlus Guide; The Modern C++ to solve real-world problems; CMake构建复杂工程项目、C/C++学习例子、OpenCV for CPP,数字图像处理DIP,深度学习CUDA加速,GPU编程,OpenGL and QT。...
Solutions to Stephen Prata's C++ Primer Plus