Client Tools for NuGet - including Visual Studio extensions, command line tools, and msbuild support. (Open issues on
翻译 - NuGet的客户端工具-包括Visual Studio扩展,命令行工具和msbuild支持。 (上的未解决问题)
Code Signing CLI tool supporting Authenticode, NuGet, VSIX, and ClickOnce
The .NET Core command-line (CLI) tools, used for building .NET Core apps and libraries through your development flow (compiling, NuGet package management, running, testing, ...).
翻译 - .NET Core命令行(CLI)工具,用于通过开发流程(编译,NuGet程序包管理,运行,测试等)来构建.NET Core应用程序和库。
Search for Nuget packages using the .NET Core CLI.
Template to build a multi-platforms Native Net 6.0 Nuget package using dotnet cli
NuGet Package Updater (NuPU) is an interactive CLI for updating NuGet packages.
Set up your GitHub Actions workflow with the latest version of Nuget.exe CLI tool
The NuGet search CLI app
Documentation for NuGet
NuGet Server is a lightweight standalone NuGet server
NuGet Gallery is a package repository that powers Use this repo for reporting issues.
Repo for NuGet Client issues
翻译 - 回购NuGet客户问题
.NET 9 Nuget Packages.
A NuGet Package Manager for Unity
Creates Octopus-compatible NuGet packages
PoliteCaptcha is a spam prevention library for use with ASP.NET MVC that attempts polite spam prevention first, before rudely presenting the user with a CAPTCHA.
.NET Core Extensions and Helper NuGet packages.
翻译 - .NET Core扩展和Helper NuGet程序包。
Automagically update nuget packages in .NET projects
翻译 - 在.NET项目中自动更新nuget软件包
📦 NuGet Packages for NetOffice
Create, update and deploy Nuget Packages with a GUI
翻译 - 使用GUI创建,更新和部署Nuget软件包
An alternative web UI for browsing nuget packages
翻译 - 浏览nuget包的替代Web UI
Worldwide holidays (REST API), NuGet or docker container 🌎