This repository contains payload to test NoSQL Injections
Using this script, you can enumerate Usernames and passwords of Nosql(mongodb) injecion vulnerable web applications.
A lab for playing with NoSQL Injection
NoSql Injection CLI tool, for finding vulnerable websites using MongoDB.
Database security suite. Database proxy with field-level encryption, search through encrypted data, SQL injections prevention, intrusion detection, honeypots. Supports client-side and proxy-side ("tra...
A Python Framework For NoSQL Scanning and Exploitation
NIVA is a simple web application which is intentionally vulnerable to NoSQL injection. The purpose of this project is to facilitate a better understanding of the NoSQL injection vulnerability among a ...
NoSQL Injection Demo Application
Slides of the talk on Injection attacks in apps with NoSQL Backends, given at null OWASP Bangalore monthly meet on 27th April 2019
NoSQL Injection Tool to bypass login forms & extract usernames/passwords using regular expressions.
PE Injection、DLL Injection、Process Injection、Thread Injection、Code Injection、Shellcode Injection、ELF Injection、Dylib Injection, including 400+Tools and 350+posts
Distributed NoSQL Database
NoSQL embedded database for small node.js projects
Multiplatform NoSQL database
NoSQL Unit is a JUnit extension that helps you write NoSQL unit tests.
An Embedded NoSQL, Transactional Database Engine
翻译 - 嵌入式NoSQL事务数据库引擎
The specification in Jakarta EE to help Jakarta EE developers create enterprise-grade applications using Java® and NoSQL technologies.
NoSQL plugin for IntelliJ
NoSQL embedded document store for Java
NoSQL providers for EntityFramework Core
SSDB - A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
翻译 - SSDB-快速的NoSQL数据库,可替代Redis
Process Injection
翻译 - 工艺注入
A Distributed Redis Protocol Compatible NoSQL Database
翻译 - 分布式Redis协议兼容的NoSQL数据库
Neo4j + Mongodb sample codes