Cross-platform and self hosted, easy to use, intuitive mongodb management tool - Formerly Mongoclient
基于canal 的 mysql 与 redis/memcached/mongodb 的 nosql 数据实时同步方案 案例 demo canal client
SSDB - A fast NoSQL database, an alternative to Redis
翻译 - SSDB-快速的NoSQL数据库,可替代Redis
NoSQL embedded database for small node.js projects
整理12种数据库相关资料,mysql,mariaDB,Percona Server,MongoDB,Redis,RocksDB,TiDB,CouchDB,Cassandra,TokuDB,MemDB,Oceanbase
NoSQL data store using the seastar framework, compatible with Apache Cassandra
翻译 - 使用seastar框架的NoSQL数据存储,与Apache Cassandra兼容
A Python Framework For NoSQL Scanning and Exploitation
Distributed NoSQL Database
Multiplatform NoSQL database
NoSQL Unit is a JUnit extension that helps you write NoSQL unit tests.
An Embedded NoSQL, Transactional Database Engine
翻译 - 嵌入式NoSQL事务数据库引擎
The specification in Jakarta EE to help Jakarta EE developers create enterprise-grade applications using Java® and NoSQL technologies.
NoSQL plugin for IntelliJ
NoSQL embedded document store for Java
NoSQL providers for EntityFramework Core
A Distributed Redis Protocol Compatible NoSQL Database
翻译 - 分布式Redis协议兼容的NoSQL数据库
Neo4j + Mongodb sample codes
Lightweight, embedded, syncable NoSQL database engine for Android.
NoSQL node.js connector for MySQL Cluster