Nonblocking Lua MySQL driver library for ngx_lua or OpenResty
Nonblocking lua http library.
Nonblocking Lua etcd driver library for OpenResty
Simple nonblocking lock API for ngx_lua based on shared memory dictionaries
Implementation of a lock-free dictionary on .Net.
Nonblocking Lua FastDFS driver library for ngx_lua
Nonblocking device drivers to receive from IR remotes and for IR "blaster" apps.
Lua module for nonblocking system shell command executions
Nonblocking Lua PostgreSQL driver library for ngx_lua
OCaml bindings to MariaDB, supporting the nonblocking API
Mashroom Server, an Integration Platform for Microfrontends
exp_BFlows is an experiment to compare the performance of BFlows with ECMP, PureSDN, Hedera and NonBlocking network.
Python3爬虫系列的理论验证,首先研究I/O模型,分别用Python实现了blocking I/O、nonblocking I/O、I/O multiplexing各模型下的TCP服务端和客户端。然后,研究同步I/O操作(依序下载、多进程并发、多线程并发)和异步I/O(asyncio)之间的效率差别