EPPlus samples for .NET Framework. More details in Readme.md.
safe HttpClient For netcore And netframework
vuln-netframework is a .net-framework 4.7 project that include worst coding practices about common vulnerabilities like Insecure Deserialization, Os Command Injection, SQL Injection, etc.
This is a demo of how to fetch the Attendance Logs from a ZKTeco Clock UA860 (https://www.zkteco.com/en/product_detail/UA860.html).
EPPlus-Excel spreadsheets for .NET
翻译 - NET的EPPlus 5-Excel电子表格
Fireasy DevelopLibrary Version 2.
翻译 - Fireasy DevelopLibrary版本2。
Bing是基于 .NetFramework 4.5 的框架,旨在提升团队的开发输出能力,由常用公共操作类(工具类、帮助类)、分层架构基类,第三方组件封装,第三方业务接口封装等组成。netcore版本:https://github.com/bing-framework/Bing.NetCore.git