This is a sample ASP.NET Core WebAPI
🥇 Professional REST API design with ASP.NET Core WebAPI
翻译 - 使用ASP.NET Core和Web API的专业REST API设计
Auth0 Integration Samples for ASP.NET Core WebAPI Services
ASP.NET Core Dynamic Restful WebApi. Generating WebApi from Classes. Such as: Direct Generation of WebApi Based on Business Logic Layer.
Repositorio del curso de construcción de WebAPIs con ASP.NET Core 6
WebAPI (.NET Core 3.1) Base Project with JWT Auth, Dapper (ORM), MySQL, Swagger, DI
A front-background project using ASP.NET Core WebApi and Vue.js
A .NET Core daemon console application calling Microsoft Graph or your own WebAPI with its own identity
An implementation of Clean Architecture for ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebAPI. Built with loosely coupled architecture and clean-code practices in mind.
翻译 - ASP.NET Core 3.1 WebAPI的Clean Architecture的实现。考虑到松散耦合的体系结构和简洁的代码实践而构建。
Sample project demonstrating jwt-based authentication with an Angular (v5.2.1) frontend and ASP.NET Core 2 WebApi. Includes both local user registration with .NET Core Identity membership and faceboo...
基于net core 的基础WebApi
Food Ordering Service ASP.NET CORE 6.0 WebAPI .NET MAUI
.NET Core API to Blockly - generate from WebAPI, Swagger, OData, GraphQL =>
Consume a ASP.NET Core 6.0 WebAPI from .NET MAUI
Samples and resources of how to design WebApi with .NET Core
翻译 - 如何使用.NET Core设计Web Api的示例和资源
Learning how to set up rabbitMQ between a .NET core webapi and console app.
.NET Core WebAPI template with JWT token auth, DB connection, Health checks and HTTP client proxy examples.
.NET WebApi framework for tinyfox OWIN server.
翻译 - 用于tinyfox OWIN服务器的.NET WebApi框架。
Dockerised Scaffold .NET Core WebApi with HATEOAS, Versioning & Swagger, that contains Cake Build Scripts, Kubernetes Deployment yml
Asp.NET Core 2.0 WebApi JWT Authentication with Identity & MySQL
.net core webapi配合swagger以及其他常用功能的单层项目
.NET API reference documentation (.NET 5+, .NET Core, .NET Framework)
翻译 - .NET API参考文档(.NET Framework,.NET Core,.NET Standard和Xamarin)