Sindo's dotfiles for Web Development with NeoVim & Tmux.
Dotfiles for Termux (tmux, zsh, and neovim)
📍 My dotfiles for macOS using Neovim, Zsh or Fish, and Kitty or iTerm+Tmux
💻 Provision a new Mac for web development with dotfiles + Fish/Zsh, Neovim, and Tmux
🦀 My dotfiles on Artix Linux. Neovim | tmux | Hyprland
👨🏻💻 My dotfiles including Neovim Lua config, ZSH with zinit plugin manager & powerlevel10k prompt
@holman does dotfiles
我的个人的 vim/shell/powershell/tmux 配置文件
Vim mode for VSCode, powered by Neovim
Dotfiles repository
My dotfiles. Buyer beware ;)