A global, public domain map dataset available at three scales and featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data.
翻译 - 具有三种比例的全球公共领域地图数据集,具有紧密集成的矢量和栅格数据。
an importer for Natural Earth (http://www.naturalearthdata.com) Data into GeoDjano
A thin rust wrapper to download data from naturaearthdata
This is a map file of Germany to go with d3.js and datamaps in the topojson format. The Data comes from http://www.naturalearthdata.com/
R tools for easy navigation and reading of locally stored data files from [Natural Earth](http://www.naturalearthdata.com/)
Florida topojson created from original sources, including census.gov and naturalearthdata.com
Converts NaturalEarthData shapefiles to an SQLite database that can be used to lookup administrative regions using geographic coordinates