Manages, configures, extracts and monitors Microsoft 365 tenant configurations
The monitoring system, develop their own powerful and flexible configuration
The core of our monitoring platform with a powerful configuration language and REST API.
翻译 - 我们监控平台的核心,具有强大的配置语言和REST API。
Docker configuration for ELK monitoring stack with Curator and Beats data shippers support
Turn a $30 USB switch into a full-featured multi-monitor KVM switch
翻译 - 将30美元的USB交换机变成功能齐全的多显示器KVM交换机
Simple RTSP (streaming image) server for the ESP32CAM. Easy configuration and monitoring through the web interface.
i3wm multiple monitors auto configuration
urlwatch configuration to monitor state COVID-19 data
Scripts and configuration to help you monitor your Docker containers
Sample Conky (system monitor) configuration file with weather, CPU graph, memory graph, network traffic graph and processes
ESPHome configuration to monitor and control a ISolar/EASUN SMG II inverter via RS232
A collection of edx configuration scripts and utilities that uses to deploy openedx.
Btop 是一款Linux资源监控器,能监控CPU、内存、磁盘、网络和进程
Open Hardware Monitor
翻译 - 打开硬件监视器
Like some files bro
Libre Hardware Monitor, home of the fork of Open Hardware Monitor
翻译 - Libre硬件监控器,开放式硬件监控器的分支之家
[Archived] Interfaces and providers for accessing configuration files. Project moved to
Apollo 是携程开源的一个布式配置管理中心,能够集中化管理应用不同环境、不同集群的配置,配置修改后能够实时推送到应用端,并且具备规范的权限、流程治理等特性,适用于微服务配置管理场景。
nightscout web monitor
翻译 - Nightscout网络监视器
Ruby process monitor
翻译 - Ruby进程监控器
Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
翻译 - Linux / OSX / FreeBSD资源监视器
PHP Server Monitor
翻译 - PHP服务器监控器
Viper 是用于 Golang 应用配置的完整解决方案,包括 12-Factor App。 它被设计用于在应用程序中工作,并且可以处理所有类型的配置需求和格式
Progress monitor: monitor a job's progress
Linux/OSX/FreeBSD resource monitor
翻译 - Linux / OSX / FreeBSD资源监视器
AES67 Stream Monitor: Monitor AES67 streams directly
Comfortably monitor your Internet traffic 🕵️♂️