This is an Arduino library that implements the slave/server logic of the Modbus RTU protocol.
STM32 + ModbusRTU
A library to implement the master/client portion of the Modbus RTU protocol on Arduino
Android Modbus RS232 wrapper
Test ESP8266 Modbus RTU Master for Industrial applications
Bridge ESP8266 Modbus RTU to MQTT Client
MODBUS协议, ModbusRTU/ModbusTcp/ModbusUdp/ModbusASCII/ModbusRTUOverTcp/ModbusRTUOverUdp
A ModbusTCP to ModbusRTU gateway written in python
Modbus block on FPGA
Read ORNO OR-WE-514 ModbusRTU energy meter via RS485 serial and publish values to MQTT broker
Scripts to poll and store ModBus RTU data
Appinventor ModbusRTU and ModbusTCP 1.1. Extension and app to implement single 16b/32b register read and 16b write. Uppdated for Andoid12