Replace iOS7 app switcher view with your own customized card view.
Fast Python Bloom Filter using Mmap
翻译 - 使用Mmap的快速Python Bloom Filter
A STL allocator that mmaps files
Rust library for concurrent data access, using memory-mapped files, zero-copy deserialization, and wait-free synchronization.
Unlock security module, obtain root privilege and so on.
A wrapper around mmap
CFFI wrapper around mmap
Some modules for QuickJS (mmap, inspect)
A sample VNF using packet mmap
An example of mapping shared memory between boost::interprocess and Python's mmap.
UDP load balancer / broadcaster for Linux using packet mmap.
一个基于netty用少量的类和依赖实现了所有功能的servlet容器. 提供了文件或mmap零拷贝输出流接口
MXLogger 是基于mmap内存映射机制的跨平台日志库,支持AES CFB 128位加密,支持iOS Android Flutter。核心代码使用C/C++实现, Flutter端通过ffi调用,性能几乎与原生一致。 底层序列化使用Google开源的flat_buffers实现,高效稳定。