Microsoft MakeCode (PXT - Programming eXperience Toolkit)
翻译 - Microsoft MakeCode(PXT-编程体验工具包)
Arcade game editor based on Microsoft MakeCode
Blockly (Microsoft MakeCode fork)
A Blocks / JavaScript code editor for the micro:bit built on Microsoft MakeCode
Common packages for Microsoft MakeCode editors
Microsoft MakeCode editor for Adafruit Circuit Playground Express
Microsoft MakeCode editor for the LEGO MINDSTORMS EV3 Brick
A Microsoft MakeCode package for Seeed Studio Grove module
A Microsoft MakeCode package to handle sonar sensors and pings
A Microsoft MakeCode editor for the Calliope Mini board
A MakeCode project
makecode I2C LCD1602 package for microbit
A driver for WS2812B LEDs in MakeCode
一個 MakeCode 專案
I2C OLED 128x64 extension V2 for pxt-makecode
Makecode Package for the CCS811 Air Quality Sensor
BBC micro:bit MakeCode extension for MAX7219 8x8 matrix LED modules
Microsoft Azure 的 REST API 规范
Microsoft 365 & Microsoft Graph Library for Python
Microsoft Edge
翻译 - 微软Edge
I2C OLED 128 x 64 package
Microsoft Azure PowerShell
翻译 - Microsoft Azure PowerShell
Microsoft AI
翻译 - 微软AI
Microsoft on GitHub
翻译 - 微软在GitHub上