Microchip's PIC MCU Library
Second level bootloader for Microchip SoC (aka AT91)
CMake modules for the Microchip embedded toolchain
Buildroot External for Microchip SoC
Atmel/Microchip ATmega328PB support for Arduino IDE
OpenEmbedded/Yocto Project layer for for Microchip SoC (aka AT91)
Microchip Harmony 3
Microchip Ethernet Switch API
Microchip/Atmel ASF4 code libraries
Arduino library for the Microchip MCP23S17
Microchip Curiosity PIC32MZ - FreeRTOS - LWIP - MBEDTLS
Control a Microchip MCP4XXX digital potentiometer with an Arduino.
Raspberry Pi HAT with Microchip MCP2518FD CAN FD controller
A complete library for Microchip MCP23S17(teensy,avr,arm,esp8266)
SPI library for Serial SRam 23A1024/23LC1024 by Microchip Technology Inc.
LCD12864 model driver for microchip 51, AVR and so on.
Arduino compatible Boards and Modules based on Microchip ARM and AVR Microcontroller
ESP32 driver for Microchip MCP3204 and MCP3208 12-bit ADCs.
Transplant microchip tcpip stack to wch risc-v kernel mcu ch32v307
Repositorio de aplicaciones con los microcontroladores PIC18F4550