Gifts under the Merkle Tree
A JavaScript library to generate merkle trees and merkle proofs.
Project is in active development and has been moved to the EthereumJS VM monorepo.
🌱 Construct Merkle Trees and verify proofs in JavaScript.
A Merkle Tree implementation written in Go.
A Merkle Tree implementation in C#
Namespaced Merkle Tree
Merkle Tree implementation in Java
A C implementation of a dynamically resizeable binary SHA-256 hash tree (Merkle Tree).
Python tools for creating Merkle trees, generating Merkle proofs, and verification of Merkle proofs
Solidity example comparing Merkle Tree vs Merkle Mountain Range tree gas usage.
Patricia Merkle Tree implementation in Rust
Base-16 Modified Patricia Merkle Tree (aka Trie)
Go implementation of two dimensional Reed-Solomon merkle tree data availability scheme.
Frontend, contracts, and merkle tree generator for use in quickly scaffolding ERC20 token airdrops.
JS - Solidity sha3 merkle tree bridge. Generate proofs in JS; verify in Solidity.
A Go library that implements a Sparse Merkle tree for a key-value map.
merkle tree-based state replication from master to followers, with a live stream of data
Construct merkle trees with MerkleTree.js and verify merkle proofs in Solidity.
A merkle tree is a data structure used for efficiently summarizing sets of data, often one-time signatures.
翻译 - merkle树是一种数据结构,用于有效地汇总通常是一次性签名的数据集。
Cairo Merkle Mountain Range
Merkle-Mountain-Range library