基于Bootstrap 和原生 JavaScript 实现的Material Design设计风格的UI框架
Date & Time pickers for Material UI (support from v1 to v4)
翻译 - 日期和时间选择器,使用❤️为@ material-ui / core构建
#安卓#Highly customizable material design components for React Native
MaterialUI is a UI kit for Unity that follows Google's official material design guidelines.
Svelte Material UI Components
翻译 - 苗条的材质UI组件
#安卓#模块化可自定义的Android 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
Datatables for React using Material-UI
翻译 - 使用Material-UI的React数据表-https://www.material-ui-datatables.com
A dynamic UI theme for Atom that follows Google's Material Design Guidelines
翻译 - Atom的动态UI主题,该主题遵循Google的材料设计准则
#UI框架#模块化可自定义的 Web前端 材料设计(Meterial Design)UI 组件
Material Design 3(Material You) UI components using Web Components.
Material Design UI library for Vuejs 2.0
翻译 - Vuejs 2.0的Material Design UI库
Vue Material Kit - Open Source Material Design UI Kit
Virtualized Material-UI table
React Native UI Components for Material Design
Material Design Vue.js UI Components
☄️React Material Admin is a React template built with Material-UI
翻译 - ☄️ReactMaterial Admin是使用Material-UI构建的React模板
Covalent - A Design System for Teradata
翻译 - 基于Angular Material构建的Teradata UI平台
A Material-UI file upload dropzone
A Generic carousel UI component for React using Material UI.