An email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers
Laravel Docker Template - Laravel v11.x, PHP v8.3.x, MySQL v8.1.x, phpMyAdmin v5.x, Mailpit v1.x
Email and SMTP testing tool with API for developers
Codebase for the Mailpit website
Magento 2 Docker to Development (Apple Silicon): Traefik + Nginx + Redis + PHP-FPM + MySQL + xDebug + Mailpit + RabbitMQ + OpenSearch + Varnish
All-in-one docker-compose configuration for Laravel with Nginx, PHP-fpm, Xdebug, PostgreSQL, MailPit, Node ...
FrankenPHP and Laravel Octane with Docker + Laravel 11
Cypress Commands for Mailpit ✉️
Multi-project local development environment & toolset on Docker
Capture outgoing mail from DDEV