Better font rendering for Windows.
翻译 - Windows更好的字体渲染。
🎩 Solutions for applying MacType to not supported programs/os.
A MacType profile that provides decent solution to font rendering and font substitutions for Windows operating systems.
油猴脚本 - 增强浏览器网页文字清晰度
MacType Patch for DirectWrite Hook
Best mactype experience
@chawyehsu's MacType profile
A MacType profile using Microsoft YaHei UI, and Source Family fonts
Source Han Serif MacType Config
MacType configuration schemes (ini files) by Sam Toki. Suitable for Windows 10. Require specified fonts installed. / 自用 MacType 配置方案(ini 文件)。适用于 Win10,需要安装配置文件中指定的字体才能起作用。