各种自用 插件 定时设置 高级设置 luci-app-cupsd luci-app-ddns-go luci-app-autotimeset luci-app-netdata luci-app-partexp luci-app-wizard luci-app-dockerman
maybe the best AdGuardHome luci for openwrt
(Almost) full feature Xray client for OpenWrt
OpenWrt/LEDE LuCI for Shadowsocks-libev
Luci interface for Clash Openwrt
翻译 - Luci界面,用于Clash Openwrt
A plugin for OpenWRT routers to send various information notifications to a mobile phone via WeChat or Telegram.
用于解锁网易云灰色歌曲的OpenWRT/LEDE路由器插件 (openwrt/lede luci support for unblock neteasecloudmusic)
一个 DNS 转发器 - OpenWrt 🎁 MosDNS v5 is Ready! 🎉
[OpenWrt] 解除网易云音乐播放限制
Clash for openwrt [Luci-app-clash] https://github.com/frainzy1477/luci-app-clash
翻译 - openwrt的冲突[Luci-app-clash] https://github.com/frainzy1477/luci-app-clash
luci-app-koolproxy modified
A new SSR SS V2ray Trojan luci app bese luci-app-ssr-plus
Deprecated. please go to https://github.com/openwrt/luci/tree/master/applications/luci-app-omcproxy
v2 for openwrt 18.06.01 and luci app
LuCI GUI App for configuring PPTP server (OpenWRT)
Packages for OpenWrt【每日更新luci-app OpenWrt Packages】
LuCI - OpenWrt Configuration Interface
翻译 - LuCI-OpenWrt配置界面
Luci app for [ssd1306, 0.91', 128x32] oled display on nanopi R2S.
LuCI support for V2Ray
LuCI support for Alist
luci filebrowser
luci for smartdns