Lodash 是一个一致性、模块化、高性能的 JavaScript 实用工具库。
List of JavaScript methods which you can use natively + ESLint Plugin
翻译 - 可以原生使用的JavaScript方法列表+ ESLint插件
基于 evil.js 优化,引入之后, 可以当作 lodash 使用,然后在特定条件下产生一些错误。
读lodash源码,lodash source code analyze
Smaller modular Lodash builds.
Modular Lodash builds without the hassle.
The Lodash website.
Render/precompile Lodash templates
ESLint rules for lodash
Lodash with more functional fun.
The Sass implementation of lodash.
ESLint rules for lodash/fp
The Lodash command-line interface.
⚛️ 🔧 Lodash as React components
Easy to use utility functions for everyday PHP projects. This is a port of the Lodash JS library to PHP
Lodash mixins for (deep) object accessing / manipulation.
🛠 Data manipulation for GraphQL queries with lodash syntax
翻译 - lo使用lodash语法处理GraphQL查询的数据
The next evolutive state of, "You Might Not Need Lodash", because you definitely don't need Lodash.
EJS (Underscore/LoDash Templates) loader for webpack
A collection of decorators using lodash at it's core.
翻译 - 在核心使用lodash的装饰器的集合。
Lodash as ES6 Modules for Ember.js Apps