LocalStack 是一个功能齐全的亚马逊AWS云服务模拟器,帮组你在离线状态下开发和测试你的AWS应用
The LocalStack documentation 📖
⚡ Serverless plugin for running against LocalStack
⚠️ **Note**: This repository is no longer actively maintained (see README below) ⚠️
Helm Charts for LocalStack
Sample projects to demonstrate advanced LocalStack features
💲 "awslocal" - Thin wrapper around the "aws" command line interface for use with LocalStack
🐍 A lightweight Python client for LocalStack
☕ Java utilities and JUnit integration for LocalStack
Simple demo application deployed using LocalStack
A dynamic code loading framework for building pluggable Python distributions
PoC for running AWS services(kinesis, dynamodb, lambdas) locally with Localstack 🔎