A reusable pull-to-refresh and pull-to-loadmore widget
翻译 - 可重用的“拉动刷新”和“拉动加载更多”小部件
android custom listview,with interaction pattern load more and pull to refresh to load data dinamically
A two-direction mobile load-more component for vue.js
翻译 - vue.js的双向移动更多负载组件
flutter loadmore demos
IRecyclerView is a custom RecyclerView that supports pull-to-refresh, pull-to-loadmore, customize refresh header and loadmore footer, add header views and footer views.
📦 Enable the RecyclerView to support loading more and customizing the footer view without modifying the original adapter of the RecyclerView. 在不改动 RecyclerView 原有的 adapter 的情况下,使 RecyclerView 滑动到底部的时...
Inspired by EGOTableViewPullRefresh, a simple control to load more rows into the TableView.
Android widget with pull to refresh for all the views,and support loadMore for ListView , RecyclerView, GridView and SwipeRefreshLayout.
RecyclerView Endless Scroll/pagination and Swiperefreshlayout
A pull-down refresh and pull-up infinite scroll component for Vue.js.--vue移动端下拉刷新上拉无限滚动加载插件,支持更换加载图片,保存和设置滚动距离等。
Android load more when scrolldown in side pull to refresh listview
android RecyclerView LoadMore adapter , include pull down to refresh (PullDownLayout)加载更多;美团下拉刷新刷新
Android 升级版 SwipeRefreshLayout,支持RecyclerView、ScrollView等大部分组件,下拉刷新(Refresh)和上拉加载(Loadmore),支持自定义HeaderView和FooterView
实现下拉刷新,滚动底部自动加载更多,分页加载,自动切换显示网络失败布局,暂无数据布局,支持任意view,支持切换主流下拉刷新框架,真正的android MVC架构,listview,RecyclerView,refresh,loadmore
基于mint-ui的移动小应用开发案例。将vue相关的知识串联起来一起使用,形成一个开发体系。 项目包含的知识点如下: 基于vue-cli的脚手架项目的搭建 vue-router管理项目的页面跳转 vuex管理应用的公共状态axios进行网络请求,包括跨域的配置mock数据进行本地数据模拟mint-ui常用组件的使用合集:mt-swipe,mt-loadmore,mt-cell,mt-po...