for Mac and Windows. See “develop” branch for the latest Windows release and LiveReload 3 progress. (NOTE: renamed from LiveReload2.)
Guard::LiveReload automatically reload your browser when 'view' files are modified.
翻译 - 当“查看”文件被修改时,Guard :: LiveReload会自动重新加载浏览器。
LiveReload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes)
LiveReload JavaScript code that communicates with the server and implements reloading
翻译 - 与服务器通信并实现重新加载的LiveReload JavaScript代码
livereload server in python
gulp plugin for livereload
LiveReload Browser Extensions
connect middleware for adding the livereload script to the response
LiveReload plugin for SM2
Livereload functionality integrated with your Django development environment.
[UNMAINTAINED] small livereload utility for rapid prototyping
Streaming gulp plugin to run a local webserver with LiveReload
Live reload gem for Hotwire Rails apps.
Simple QtQuick app live viewer
{MEAN Stack on Steroids} The ultimate full-stack AngularJS + Node.js/Express seed (batteries included!) that makes web developers insanely productive. (Angular, AngularUI, Barbeque, Bootstrap, Bower, ...
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