C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Kotlin
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Dart
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Swift
101 LINQ Samples
Python Linq Examples: Comparision of C# Linq functional programming to Python
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Clojure
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Java
C#'s 101 LINQ Samples translated to Elixir (not ecto)
.NET Core + VS Code port of 101 LINQ Samples (https://code.msdn.microsoft.com/101-LINQ-Samples-3fb9811b)
Samples for LINQ Fundamentals
LINQ to GameObject - Traverse GameObject Hierarchy by LINQ
Linq to database provider.
翻译 - Linq到数据库提供程序。
linq.js - LINQ for JavaScript
.NET LINQ capabilities in Go
🌀LINQ for TypeScript
翻译 - 🌀LINQfor TypeScript
LINQ to TypeScript
Tx (LINQ to Events)
C# library to serialize LINQ expressions
Macros in Python: quasiquotes, case classes, LINQ and more!
Visual FoxPro LINQ Provider
Example of creating dynamic LINQ expressions
A truly generic and dynamic linq query builder to compliment jQuery QueryBuilder and other dynamic linq query generation needs
`LINQ to Object` inspired DSL for PHP
LINQ extensions to help build IQueryAble Expressions
翻译 - LINQ扩展可帮助构建真正的RESTFul API