由全网6W+粉丝、华为及阿里云测试专家认证博主开发及蚂蚁金服高级测开担任顾问推出的轻量级接口测试平台。Lim是Less is More(少即是多)的缩写,正如它的名字我们希望在开展接口测试时能够“四两拨千斤”!让用户操作更少但开展建设的效率更高。因此我们做了许多交互细节上的优化和创新以及一些大胆的设计。快来试试吧!
A toolbox for mapping and localization with line features.
Library for Image Acquisition
Node.js module to generate URL slugs. Another one? This one cares about i18n and transliterates non-Latin scripts to conform to the RFC3986 standard. Mostly API-compatible with similar modules.
github repository for http://masscode.ru/index.php/k2/item/44-limarquee
Memory testing tool, based on https://github.com/ssvb/lima-memtester but using MALI instead of LIMA
Updated memtest version with proper ARM support, ripped out from lima-memtester
A bridge between ROS and PyBullet
Memory stress testing tool, implemented by combining http://limadriver.org/ and http://pyropus.ca/software/memtester/
R package lcmm
SingWatch is an open source project that aims to find song lyrics without difficulties, after all who doesn't like to know how to sing their favorite song?