Python library for audio and music analysis
翻译 - 用于音频和音乐分析的Python库
LibrosaCpp is a c++ implemention of librosa to compute short-time fourier transform coefficients,mel spectrogram or mfcc
A repository for librosa tutorials
A collection of example notebooks demonstrating librosa functionality
A simple example for extracting a pitch of a voice-track using a python library called librosa. The script is generating smoothed graphs of pitch.
Acoustic feature extraction using Librosa library and openSMILE toolkit.使用Librosa音频处理库和openSMILE工具包,进行简单的声学特征提取
Librosa equivalent Java library to process audio file adn extract features from it.
(monophonic) audio to midi converter using Python and librosa
A notebook analyzing different content based features in an audio file.
An Osu! beatmap generator built w/ keras + librosa
A librosa STFT/Fbank/mfcc feature extration written up in PyTorch using 1D Convolutions.