bypass disable_functions via LD_PRELOA (no need /usr/sbin/sendmail)
翻译 - 通过LD_PRELOA绕过disable_functions(不需要/ usr / sbin / sendmail)
List of resources related to LD_PRELOAD, a mechanism for changing application behavior at run-time
翻译 - 与LD_PRELOAD相关的资源列表,LD_PRELOAD是一种在运行时更改应用程序行为的机制
LD_PRELOAD libc hooking using Go
LD_PRELOAD Linux rootkit (x86 & ARM)
detect memory leak by LD_PRELOAD, without changing the target program
LD_PRELOAD rootkit
Some helpful preload libraries for pwning stuff.
翻译 - 一些有用的预加载库,用于填充东西。
🔒 Chromium's HSTS preload list submission website.
JSON-LD implementation for Java
JSON-LD 1.1 Specification
JSON-LD processor for PHP
Preload Environment Variables with Dotenv into Serverless
Please use instead.
JSON-LD processor written in Python
LD #47 Flipperzero game
JSON-LD TypeScript types for vocabulary
A JSON-LD processor for .NET.
A JSON-LD Processor and API implementation in JavaScript
A fluent builder types and ld+json generator
Localization Distillation for Object Detection (CVPR 2022, TPAMI 2023)
JSON-LD parser and serializer plugins for RDFLib
Add preload and prefetch links based your Mix manifest
翻译 - 根据您的Mix清单添加预加载和预取链接