DFKI Layout Detection for OCR-D
#计算机科学#A Unified Toolkit for Deep Learning Based Document Image Analysis
翻译 - 用于文档布局理解的Python库
CnSTD: 基于 PyTorch/MXNet 的 中文/英文 场景文字检测(Scene Text Detection)、数学公式检测(Mathematical Formula Detection, MFD)、篇章分析(Layout Analysis)的Python3 包
A pre labelled dataset for ui element / layout detection
中文版面检测(Chinese layout detection),yolov8 is used to detect the layout of Chinese document images。
Trained Detectron2 object detection models for document layout analysis based on PubLayNet dataset
The official PyTorch implementation for arXiv'23 paper 'LayoutDETR: Detection Transformer Is a Good Multimodal Layout Designer'
LAYOUT FILES: Proper commutation-based speed detection for the BLDC fan.
利用java-yolov8实现版面检测(Chinese layout detection),java-yolov8 is used to detect the layout of Chinese document images
A multi window layout manager for webapps
With Scaling Layout scale your layout on user interaction.
翻译 - 使用缩放布局,可以根据用户交互来缩放布局。
🏩 Cascading grid layout plugin
翻译 - :love_hotel:级联网格布局插件
The Most Powerful Swipe Layout!
翻译 - 最强大的滑动布局!
一款简单的JavaScript动态栅栏布局(Grid Layout)库
Android Shadow Layout
A draggable and resizable grid layout with responsive breakpoints, for React.
翻译 - 可响应的断点可拖动和可调整大小的网格布局,用于React。
A declarative UI framework for iOS
Workman keyboard layout
Eclipse Layout Kernel - Automatic layout for Java applications.
a css library for quick layout, especially for flow layout
App layout elements
翻译 - 应用布局元素
Auto Layout 秘境
Lightweight masonry layout
翻译 - 轻质砌体布局
Constraint Layout Codelab
Create bubble layout of UICollectionView using custom layout
Increase layout loading speed 200%