A collection of quick starters for ansible, kubernetes, docker, linux, windows, and more. Great for HomeLabs!
Connect with top employers and elevate your career! Craft your digital identity, engage with μLearn Campus Chapters, and showcase your skills to potential recruiters. Don't miss this opportunity to la...
Improved Novation Launchpad scripts for Ableton Live
The deposit launchpad for staking on Ethereum 🦏
A base Docker image for Meteor applications.
Open source firmware for the Launchpad Pro grid controller
MSP430 Launchpad Tutorials
IDO Launchpad
Friendly Launchpad MSP430 library
LaunchPad for CoolStarter
Multitask scheduler for MSP430F5529 launchpad
Performance-optimized Launchpad Pro Firmware modification
12 june launchpad pitampura
Novation Launchpad (and Midi Fighter) control suite for Python
Step up your non-Steam game! Generate Steam-compatible .exe files to effortlessly launch any game through Steam with overlay support.
IDO launchpad platform for EVM-like chains
🚀 Open Source REST API for SpaceX launch, rocket, core, capsule, starlink, launchpad, and landing pad data.
翻译 - :rocket:开源REST API,用于火箭,核,胶囊,发射台和发射数据
Simulink (Embedded Coder) Target for TI LaunchPad