Kubernetes as a Service
翻译 - Kubernetes即服务
Lightweight Kubernetes controllers as a service
Production PostgreSQL for Kubernetes, from high availability Postgres clusters to full-scale database-as-a-service.
翻译 - PostgreSQL操作员在Kubernetes上创建/配置/管理PostgreSQL集群
Load testing as a service (LTaaS) with Apache Jmeter on kubernetes
External Secrets Operator reads information from a third-party service like AWS Secrets Manager and automatically injects the values as Kubernetes Secrets.
翻译 - External Secrets Kubernetes 操作员从第三方服务(如 AWS Secrets Manager)读取信息,并自动将值作为 Kubernetes Secret 注入。
Kubernetes as a Service for Openstack
Helm Charts for the Astronomer Platform, Apache Airflow as a Service on Kubernetes
Managed Database-as-a-Service (DBaaS) on Kubernetes
a tool to register Kubernetes PODs as Consul Services
Fabric for Deep Learning (FfDL, pronounced fiddle) is a Deep Learning Platform offering TensorFlow, Caffe, PyTorch etc. as a Service on Kubernetes
Simple http microservice that converts Word documents to PDF
Simple web service to transform SVG to PNG using Inkscape
Website screenshot service powered by node.js and phantomjs
Database as a service (DBaaS) that allows users to quickly and easily deploy and manage database instances using cloud infrastructure
Azure Kubernetes Service
Kubernetes DNS service
A Function as a Service tool makes a function as a container-based service in seconds.
翻译 - fx是一个框架,可帮助您在自己的服务器上轻松完成功能即服务
LLM as a Chatbot Service
Puppeteer as a service
Reverse Shell as a Service
OAuth Authorization as a Service
GraphQL backend as a service
Native Symbolication as a Service